Friday, May 22, 2009

My intro

Hi all,

I have decided to start a blog and actually intend to keep it alive this time, unlike my past few times. So here’s an introduction to how I got into the game. I had a natural friend who was a bboy, so obviously he’s got night game taken care of. However, he was good with daygame too. One day when I was 15, he asked me to go approach a hot 2 set outside of MANGO. Fail. Since that day, I googled tricks to improve my interactions with girls. From becomeaplayer to David DeAngelo, from FastSeduction to Mystery Method, from Neil Strauss to Asian Playboy, Alex Coulson to AFCAdam. I spent a lot of time during summers and winters sharpening my game, while daygaming for the first time in Winter 08, finally being able to manage my AA since my skill in game wasn’t bad, but my AA was restricting my game by so much. By now, I’ve developed my own brand of game but do realize I’ve still got a journey ahead. I am currently out to master Mere Exposure Effect, gaming in foreign language, entourage game, dancefloor game and college game, all with incredibly different scenarios and method to deal with required, and I’m at different levels with all of them.

The purpose of this blog is to provide everyone a FREE insight to my journey as well as valuable lessons that readers may be able to derive from the entries. On that note, not only you will lern from these entries, I will do so too, as I believe everyone has lots to learn, regardless you’re claimed level in game. I am also out to expose the so-called top guys in the community of having “imperfect game”, which in no way diminishes my respect for them but just making it more realistic for everyone, no thanks to the commercialization of community. I genuinely believe I am about a few weeks away from being capable of providing workshops with other top guys to those that want it for FREE (except for college game which will have to wait until Sep/Oct 09). Oh, and I don’t like to be called a PUA, and while I am eternally grateful to the seduction community, I am not always out there to “seduce” girls because I believe just being social and interacting whilst understanding what makes girls attracted to you, will allow things to just happen. And it certainly gets rid of any tones of misogyny.

Hope you enjoy and leave comments!

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