Friday, May 29, 2009

Big Night out- Freeflow game

Tonight was an awesome night. I met up some people earlier the night and we went to a different venue. It didn’t get cracking until 1AM but it was great. I wasn’t running game through any structure, just improvising and vibe-feeling.

Then I met up a really cool social butterfly for the first time. This was a guy that used to ask me questions about game a few months ago. I will refer to him as “E” from now on. He told me he was overweight, was lonely had no friends and had no clue how to deal with girls. Thus, I began giving him pointers. When I met him, he far exceeded my expectations. This guy could get you into many night venues and he certainly wasn’t that overweight.

I think I may have just found my favorite club here in Hong Kong, lets just call it “B”. B has a much older crowd, but hey, I’m not complaining. Girls there were awesome, I must’ve had a number of makeouts and phone numbers.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mellow nights can be good

Last night was another mellow night. I’m saving my energy for 2 big nights coming up. I tried to organize a little get-together with a few foreigners over here but that did not work out very well. Only one other guy managed to show up because most people had to call things off the last minute. That’s fine. One guy would do. When I met the guy up for the first time, he obviously did not strike as a good wingman, and he had a thick British accent (he was Chinese) with a more reserved personality. We pretty much barhopped and I managed to blow out a PUA guy. It’s so easy to spot PUAs these days. Guys that would walk into the club and hit on girls right away. Those type of guys always give me the chuckles.

The next night was a Friday night. I was meeting another guy up for the first time. This guy was a tall white-guy from Texas and was very easy-going. We’ll call him RL. Great, I already could tell it was going to be fun times. With him, we club-hopped by playing the foreigner card so pretty much clubs were very generous in letting us in without cover. Unfortunately, we weren’t girls so we decided to pay cover for open bar. BEST DECISION. We headed to the clubs early (yes over here, midnight is early) and just kicked it around. We didn’t really start to talk to anybody there immediately because I bumped into 2 other guys, so there was about 4 of us. As the night progressed on, I began to start talking with a few guys as well as immediately befriending 2 more guys that seemed like they could be cool wingmen.

For soon, my social proof was up the roof and everybody in the club wanted to befriend me. RL was doing his thing and being an absolute goofball, which is fantastic. My only opener was “Hi, my name is ____, I’m new in town nice to meet you”. Worked like a charm because I was being the social butterfly I always aspired to be. I must’ve racked at least 10+ numbers and an equal amount of business cards (I don’t take business cards from girls I’m interested in). The only difference between me and the typical chode social butterfly: escalation.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Spending my summer in Asia- May/June: Hong Kong

So I just finished my first night out in HK.This was my third night back in Hong Kong, and I was still recovering from jetlag since my anti-jetlag plans absolutely backfired and made it a lot worse than should be. Therefore, I decided to take it easy and did not actually go out and hardcore game. More so, a huge part of my game revolves around normal human interactions. So it was great to just go out there, make some new friends and banter with some girls. I met a social guy in Hong Kong, a local PUA (he himself I got introduced to by a fellow friend in NYC), and he introduced me to a couple local PUAs in Hong Kong, and apparently they were even featured in a news report. It was cool befriending the guys, some of them seemed like a lot of fun. They were even holding PUA workshops and even had students!! Unfortunately, I wasn’t quite so interested in the girls at the second venue we bounced to.

I finally figured out what “having fun” means. The problem with a lot of the guys that play the whole social game, is that they don’t realize that having fun means. Having fun is very arbitrary and means different things to different people. For me, having fun means making new friends, but also building sexual tension with girls is also fun. One without the other is like an incomplete piece of art.

One interesting highlight from the night is apart from sharing my knowledge with bootcamp students of the local Hong Kong PUA guys is the fact that I encountered a female PUA that night the guys introduced me to. She is a female psychologist and claims to be able to seduce men. Being the skeptic I am, I was curious to listen to her explanations, and I must admit they are quite convincing. On that note, looks still matter that’s undeniable, but with decent looks (not supermodel ones), she claims she can teach any girl to make any guy in the club fall for that. Her tactics? Cat-string theory, push-pull, kino escalation etc… Sounds familiar? Well, according to her, us guys are not completely superficial. We can still have our reproductive triggers on alert when aroused.

Friday, May 22, 2009

My intro

Hi all,

I have decided to start a blog and actually intend to keep it alive this time, unlike my past few times. So here’s an introduction to how I got into the game. I had a natural friend who was a bboy, so obviously he’s got night game taken care of. However, he was good with daygame too. One day when I was 15, he asked me to go approach a hot 2 set outside of MANGO. Fail. Since that day, I googled tricks to improve my interactions with girls. From becomeaplayer to David DeAngelo, from FastSeduction to Mystery Method, from Neil Strauss to Asian Playboy, Alex Coulson to AFCAdam. I spent a lot of time during summers and winters sharpening my game, while daygaming for the first time in Winter 08, finally being able to manage my AA since my skill in game wasn’t bad, but my AA was restricting my game by so much. By now, I’ve developed my own brand of game but do realize I’ve still got a journey ahead. I am currently out to master Mere Exposure Effect, gaming in foreign language, entourage game, dancefloor game and college game, all with incredibly different scenarios and method to deal with required, and I’m at different levels with all of them.

The purpose of this blog is to provide everyone a FREE insight to my journey as well as valuable lessons that readers may be able to derive from the entries. On that note, not only you will lern from these entries, I will do so too, as I believe everyone has lots to learn, regardless you’re claimed level in game. I am also out to expose the so-called top guys in the community of having “imperfect game”, which in no way diminishes my respect for them but just making it more realistic for everyone, no thanks to the commercialization of community. I genuinely believe I am about a few weeks away from being capable of providing workshops with other top guys to those that want it for FREE (except for college game which will have to wait until Sep/Oct 09). Oh, and I don’t like to be called a PUA, and while I am eternally grateful to the seduction community, I am not always out there to “seduce” girls because I believe just being social and interacting whilst understanding what makes girls attracted to you, will allow things to just happen. And it certainly gets rid of any tones of misogyny.

Hope you enjoy and leave comments!